Thursday, 2 February 2012

3D Screenshot Update 2

While I'm sorting out the character rig, I have been blocking out my environments with very basic shapes. The main one is the scene with the gate. After she enters the door I'm going to start rendering basic 3D scenes and then painting over the top. This will be quicker and gives the illusion that she is entering a new world. Here are a couple of renders of my blockout so far (keep in mind they are very rough!):

3D Screenshot Update

Now that the animatic is done with I can move onto the 3D side of things. First off the rig:

I'm using the Morpheus Rig for my character to save me time and so I don't have to bother with the hassle of rigging (which isn't a strong point of mine). This rig is very good to use because it's very customisable, and also a good rig to animate with. I've pretty much finished her customisation using the tools I have been given. Although she still looks a little too old and it's difficult to get what I want from certain controls. However I still need to make her clothes and remodel her hair (My next job!). I also want to edit her texture a bit to make it look painted.

Here is a quick render of Bea: